Kaixo familiak! Aste honetan ingeleseko klasean Halloween ospatu dugu ekintza ezberdinekin: hiztegia, eskulanak, abestiak, escape room … Hona hemen gure lanaren argazki batzuk. Happy Halloween!
Hello families! This week in English class we have been celebrating Halloween with different activities: vocabulary, crafts, songs, escape room… Here are some photos of our work. Happy Halloween!
Hola familias! Esta semana en la clase de inglés hemos estado celebrando Halloween con diferentes actividades: vocabulario, manualidades, canciones, escape room… Aquí os dejamos unas fotos de nuestro trabajo. Happy Halloween!
this rolex sub looks equally at home with a wetsuit or a formal suit.
they do appreciate in value.
gotta be quick to read the time.
the finish is great and overall
for starters
oystersteeloyster architecturemonobloc middle case
whereas the aluminum bezel only costs a couple hundred.